Deforestation Monitoring Beyond Concessions
Spatial datasetDeforestation on the land of plantation companies and major growers has long been under the spotlight. Nonetheless, smallholders and out-growers […]
READSpatial Dataset
Southeast Asia
Agriculture (oil palm)
Data Use Agreement
Field survey, Satellite imagery identification
November 2021
September 2022
100 MB
XLS, SHP, Spreadsheet, JPEG, KML
Oil palm dealers play a critical role in terms of supplying FFBs to palm oil mills (including independent mills). Dealers act as the bottleneck that connects smallholder-owned farms with mills. About 550 independent mills in Southeast Asia produce at least 15 million tons of crude palm oil (CPO) annually. These mills exclusively source FFBs from approximately 10,000 oil palm dealers. In addition, during a two-month trial in three regencies in Indonesia, 295 dealers that account for 273,000 tons of FFBs traded monthly and 712,119 hectares of planted areas were surveyed and verified, which demonstrates dealers’ role as the bottleneck of in the supply chain.
This dataset maps around 4,000 dealers across Southeast Asia using a combination of remote sensing and field insight. With geolocation of dealers, it is possible to trace palm oil supply all the way up to smallholder farms and out-growers beyond the village or mill level. This helps companies fill in the gaps in their traceability to plantations (TTP) compliance.
Our dataset includes: